Futurists Episodes

Oct. 1, 2024

The World in 2050

In this episode of the Futurized podcast, host Trond Arne Undheim interviews Jeffrey D. Sachs, University Professor and Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University. They discuss the world at mid-...

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June 6, 2023

A Radically Different Future of Work

In this episode of the Futurized podcast, host Trond Arne Undheim interviews Tiffany Vora. They discuss the multi-career normal, learning, exploration, what the world will look and feel like in the distant tomorrow, synthetic biology, and the value o...

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Feb. 20, 2023

Stanford Cascading Risk Study

In this episode of the Futurized podcast, we feature Trond Arne Undheim, Ph.D, Research Scholar in Global Systemic Risk, Innovation, and Policy at the Stanford Existential Risk Initiative (SERI), Center for International Security and Cooperation (CIS...

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Feb. 14, 2023

State of the Future

In this episode of the Futurized podcast, we interview Jerome Glenn, Executive Director, The Millennium Project about his work at The Millennium Project,a voluntary global participatory think tank of futurists, scholars, scientists, business planners...

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Jan. 31, 2023

Communicating Climate

In this episode of the Futurized podcast we interview Cindy Forde, Author of Bright New World: How to Make a Happy Planet, and Founder of Planetari. We discuss the challenge of communicating climate change to children. Futurized goes beneath the tren...

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May 10, 2022

The Rise of Empathy

In episode 153 of the Futurized podcast, the topic is: The Rise of Empathy. Our guest is Sophie Wade, author and futurist in discussion with host Trond Arne Undheim (@trondau), futurist and author.  In this conversation, they talk about how the topic got...

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April 5, 2022

Rogue Waves of Change

In episode 150 of the Futurized podcast, the topic is Rogue Waves of Change. Our guest is Jonathan Brill, futurist and author. In this conversation, they talk about doing the work of a futurist from HP to Hollywood, the ABC’s of Resilient Growth, Awarene...

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Nov. 30, 2021

Investing in Sci-Tech Futures

In episode 145 of the Futurized podcast (@futurized2), the topic is: Investing in Sci-Tech Futures. Our guest is Shahin Farshchi (@Farshchi), Partner, Lux Capital. In this conversation, they talk about investing in emerging science and technology venture...

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Nov. 15, 2021

Simple is the Future

Lisa Bodell (@LisaBodell), futurist and CEO of FutureThink (@futurethinktank) is interviewed by Trond Arne Undheim (@trondau), futurist, author, investor, and serial entrepreneur in episode 135 of the Futurized podcast (@futurized2), the topic is Simple ...

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Nov. 10, 2021

Health Tech Reboot

In episode 147 of the Futurized podcast (@futurized2), the topic is: Health Tech Reboot. Today, I have no guest. Instead, I'm talking about my new book, Health Tech: Rebooting Society's Software, Hardware and Mindset. In this episode, I answer the follow...

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Aug. 30, 2021

The Metaverse Reality

Futurized goes beneath the trends to track the underlying forces of disruption in tech, policy, business models, social dynamics and the environment. I’m your host, Trond Arne Undheim, futurist and author. In episode #110 of the podcast, the topic is: Th...

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July 13, 2021

The Future of Consciousness

Divya Chander, PhD, Neuroscientist, Nonresident Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council, interviewed by Trond Arne Undheim (@trondau), futurist, investor, and author. In this conversation, we talk about how Divya Chander became a physician, neuroscientist, futur...

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June 29, 2021

DeepFakes are getting Real

Kathryn Harrison, CEO and founder of FixFake, and founder of Deep Trust Alliance, interviewed by Trond Arne Undheim, futurist and author. In this conversation, we talk about fake news, content wars, cybersecurity, synthetic media, digital avatars, AR/VR,...

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June 15, 2021

The Future of Medicine is Invisible

Bertalan Meskó, Director of The Medical Futurist Institute, interviewed by Trond Arne Undheim, futurist and author. In this conversation, we talk about the emergence of rapid healthcare transformation. Current best practices. We cover the many disruptive...

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April 20, 2021

Workforce, Humanity, and Future Tech

Alexandra Levit, 8x author, speaker, and career expert, interviewed by Trond Undheim, futurist and author.  In this conversation, we talk about the future of careers and strategic HR. We discuss a recent book by Levit: Humanity Works: merging tech and pe...

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