Psychology Episodes

Sept. 10, 2024

Psychological Fragility

In this episode of the Futurized podcast, host Trond Arne Undheim interviews Dana Klisanin, a psychologist, futurist, and author. They discuss coping mechanisms for existential risk worries and events, including engaging in r...

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April 5, 2022

Rogue Waves of Change

In episode 150 of the Futurized podcast, the topic is Rogue Waves of Change. Our guest is Jonathan Brill, futurist and author. In this conversation, they talk about doing the work of a futurist from HP to Hollywood, the ABC’s of Resilient Growth, Awarene...

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Feb. 1, 2022

Tech, Art and Transformation

Author Nathalie Nahai guests the Futurized podcast, hosted by futurist Trond Arne Undheim. In this conversation, they discuss her new book Business Unusual: Values, Uncertainty and the Psychology of Brand Resilience which is about consumer trends and dig...

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Dec. 14, 2021

How Executives Handle Crisis

In episode 129 of the podcast, the topic is How Executives Handle Crisis. Our guest is Stephynie Malik (@stephyniemalik), Host, Spin It podcast, Founder, Smalik Enterprises. In this conversation, they talk about how Stephynie came to do what she does and...

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Nov. 17, 2020

The Urgency of a Social-Emotional Learning Fix

Shai Fuxman, Project Director at Education Development Center (EDC), interviewed by futurist Trond Arne Undheim.  In this conversation, they talk about what’s the big deal with social and emotional learning. They cover the tremendous measurable benefits ...

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Nov. 9, 2020

The Future of Royalty

H.R.H. Prince Michel de Yougoslavie, interviewed by futurist Trond Arne Undheim.  In this conversation, they talk about growing up as a Pan-European royal. We cover his deep interest in art and success with exhibiting his photography. We also touch on tr...

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Oct. 8, 2020

Behavioral Science in Product Design

Futurist Trond Arne Undheim interviews Matt Wallaert, behavioral scientist and author of Start At The End: How To Build Products that Create Change. In this conversation, they talk about how the field of product design has evolved, the value of experimen...

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Aug. 17, 2020

The Future of K-12 Education

Futurist Trond Arne Undheim interviews Jeff Wetzler, co-founder at Transcend Education, a nonprofit leading the way in holistic school design. They talk about learning science, the necessary leaps to make towards 21st century learning, as well as the imp...

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Aug. 11, 2020

The Future of Human Perception AI

Futurist Trond Arne Undheim interviews Gabi Zijderveld, Chief Marketing Officer at Affectiva, the MIT MediaLab spinout. They talk about perceptive AI, the future of augmented reality, data privacy, and ethical uses of face recognition.  The takeaway is t...

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Aug. 4, 2020

Post-pandemic Tech

Futurist Trond Arne Undheim interviews David A. Bray, Inaugural Director of the GeoTech Center at the Atlantic Council, the esteemed Washington DC-based think tank. We talk about jazz improv, geopolitics, technology, privacy, openness, human dignity, dat...

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