Carolina Torres

Carolina Torres Profile Photo

Executive Director of Energy Industry Transformation, Cognite

Carolina Torres is the Executive Director of Energy Industry Transformation at Cognite. She helps industrial companies optimize their existing energy production, move towards more sustainable energy solutions, and future-proof their digital and data systems for a carbon-neutral future. She has 30+ years of global experience in the oil and gas industry from roles that spanned exploration, field development, finance, drilling, digital transformation, and digital product development. Prior to Cognite, Carolina was the CPO of Digital Transformation for Subsurface & Wells at BP. Carolina has a degree in geology and geoscience from the University of South Carolina.

May 31, 2022

Energy System Transformation

In episode 157 of the Futurized podcast, the topic is Energy System Transformation. Our guest is Carolina Torres, Executive Director of Energy Industry Transformation at Cognite. In this conversation with host Trond Arne Undheim (@trondau), they talk abo...