Futurist & Psychologist
Dana Klisanin is a globally recognized futurist and award-winning psychologist. Named in Forbes as one of the world’s 50 most influential women in Futures, Dr. Klisanin is the Founder of ReWilding: Lab. Dr. Klisanin has conducted award-winning research on the future of media, altruism, kindness, and heroism; her research on moral behavior and digital technologies has given rise to the study of digital altruism, cyber-kindness, the Cyberhero archetype, and collaborative heroism. Her research is published in peer-reviewed journals and books, and has been featured in BBC, TIME, Huffington Post, USAToday. Dr. Klisanin serves as the President’s Envoy to the United Nations, on behalf of the World Futures Studies Federation. She is currently focused on “rewilding the mind” as a means to support the development of behaviors necessary to heal ourselves, protect our environment, and ensure the long-term survivability of humanity.