Jesse Boehm

Jesse Boehm Profile Photo

Institute Scientist, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

Jesse Boehm is the scientific director of the Broad Institute’s Cancer Dependency Map Initiative and an institute scientist at the Broad. In addition, he directs the Cancer Cell Line Factory (CCLF) initiative, and is a principal investigator for the Broad’s Cancer Model Development Center (part of the National Cancer Institute’s Human Cancer Models Initiative). Boehm is also the recipient of a Broad Institute Merkin Fellowship.

The Boehm lab is focused on bringing the power of functional genomics to bear on living samples from cancer patients. An ultimate goal is to make “precision functional genomics” a reality for patients with rare cancers and rare genotypes. Ongoing work includes developing pipelines for personalized testing of tumor vulnerabilities as part of the CCLF, using machine learning to predict ex vivo tumor propagation conditions from the molecular features of rare tumors and using massively parallel single cell approaches to decipher the function of variants of uncertain significance.

Boehm received his B.S. in biology from MIT and his Ph.D. from Harvard University, Division of Medical Sciences.

Jan. 11, 2021

2x Community Science -- Cancer Map and COVID-19 Testing in Schools

Jesse Boehm, the scientific director of the Broad Institute’s Cancer Dependency Map Initiative and an institute scientist at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, interviewed by futurist Trond Arne Undheim. In this conversation, they talk about mobili...

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