Lisa Bodell

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Lisa is a globally recognized innovation leader and futurist and ranks among the Top 50 Keynote Speakers in the World. She founded FutureThink in 2003 to provide a simple approach to the otherwise complicated topic of innovation.

Working with leading companies such as Google, Merck, and P&G, FutureThink has become the largest source of simplification and innovation tools and training in the world. She’s the best-selling author of “Why Simple Wins: Escape the Complexity Trap and Get to Work That Matters” and “Kill the Company: End the Status Quo, Start an Innovation Revolution”, which was named one of the Best Business Books by booz&co.

After earning her business degree from the University of Michigan, Lisa launched her career at Leo Burnett in Chicago, where she discovered a gift for applying disruptive trends and ideas to new business concepts. She later moved to New York where she built two successful businesses. Her love of teaching and creativity then led her to start FutureThink.

With time-management skills that border on an art form, Lisa likes to work hard and give back. She has served as an adviser on the boards of the Association of Professional Futurists, Novartis’ Diversity and Inclusion Board and on the Global Councils of the World Economic Forum. Among her many academic activities, Lisa has taught innovation and creativity at both American University and Fordham Universities.

Nov. 15, 2021

Simple is the Future

Lisa Bodell (@LisaBodell), futurist and CEO of FutureThink (@futurethinktank) is interviewed by Trond Arne Undheim (@trondau), futurist, author, investor, and serial entrepreneur in episode 135 of the Futurized podcast (@futurized2), the topic is Simple ...

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