Paula Caligiuri

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Professor, consultant, and author

Paula Caligiuri is an industrial-organizational psychologist dedicated to helping companies, teams, professionals, and students become effective in today’s complex global environment. She is the D’Amore-McKim School of Business Distinguished Professor of International Business and Strategy at Northeastern University. As a consultant, she is the president of TASCA Global and founder of Skiilify, working extensively with leading organizations and universities on the selection and development of culturally agile students and professionals. Paula holds a BA in Psychology from Canisius College and a PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Penn State University.

Nov. 2, 2021

Cultural Agility

Futurized goes beneath the trends to track the underlying forces of disruption in tech, policy, business models, social dynamics and the environment. I’m your host, Trond Arne Undheim (@trondau), futurist, author, investor, and serial entrepreneur. Join ...