Stephynie Malik

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CEO & Founder of SMALIK Enterprises

Stephynie Malik is the founder and CEO of SMALIK Enterprises (SME). Her business career spans 25+ years in developing specialized knowledge, operational experience and reputation for achieving exceptional results, quickly. In 2017 Stephynie launched SME, a global crisis management, executive coaching and business consulting firm.
Some of her past clients include Accenture, Ernst &Young, American Express, United, Nike, LinkedIn, PWC and Deloitte to name just a few. Stephynie’s consulting, coaching and crisis resolution styles are unique, based on proven strategies and methods that achieve the desired outcomes elite athletes, high net worth and high public profile individuals are looking for.

Dec. 14, 2021

How Executives Handle Crisis

In episode 129 of the podcast, the topic is How Executives Handle Crisis. Our guest is Stephynie Malik (@stephyniemalik), Host, Spin It podcast, Founder, Smalik Enterprises. In this conversation, they talk about how Stephynie came to do what she does and...