Trond Arne Undheim

Trond Arne Undheim Profile Photo


Trond Arne Undheim is a futurist, podcaster, and academic. Currently a Research Scholar in Global Systemic Risk, Innovation, and Policy at Stanford University, he is also a venture partner at Antler, and co-founder of Yegii. He was a Senior Lecturer in Global Economics and Management at the MIT Sloan School of Management and has conducted foresight work at the Norwegian Board of Technology and at the EU. A former Director of MIT Startup Exchange, Director of Standards Strategy & Policy at Oracle, and National Expert for e-Government at the European Commission, he holds a Ph.D. on the future of work and the role of artificial intelligence and cognition. Trond hosts the Futurized podcast. Trond is based between Palo Alto, CA and Wellesley, MA.

May 31, 2023

End of The World 2075 Board Game

In this episode of the Futurized podcast, host Trond Arne Undheim introduces his new board game End of The World 2075, which is now on Kickstarter at End of the World 2075 is a deep...
Feb. 20, 2023

Stanford Cascading Risk Study

In this episode of the Futurized podcast, we feature Trond Arne Undheim, Ph.D, Research Scholar in Global Systemic Risk, Innovation, and Policy at the Stanford Existential Risk Initiative (SERI), Center for International Security and Cooperation (CIS...
Nov. 10, 2021

Health Tech Reboot

In episode 147 of the Futurized podcast (@futurized2), the topic is: Health Tech Reboot. Today, I have no guest. Instead, I'm talking about my new book, Health Tech: Rebooting Society's Software, Hardware and Mindset. In this episode, I answer the follow...