Urho Konttori

Urho Konttori Profile Photo

Chief Product Officer & Founder, Varjo

Urho Konttori is Founder and Chief Product Officer of Varjo. He is a product innovator and program manager who has 15 years of experience in designing, engineering and managing large-scale hardware and software projects at Microsoft and Nokia. Varjo is a forerunner in the VR and XR space, the first company having built fully immersive human eye resolution XR technology, focused purely on the professional market.

Jan. 5, 2021

Industrial-grade Mixed Reality

Urho Konttori,  co-founder and Chief Innovation Officer of Varjo, the mixed reality equipment maker, interviewed by futurist Trond Arne Undheim.  In this conversation, they talk about The Future of Industrial-grade Mixed Reality (MR).  The advent of ente...
Guest: Urho Konttori