How Presidents Pitch the American Idea

Today, Jason Voiovich (@JasonTVoiovich), author of Marketer in Chief, guests the Futurized podcast (@futurized2).
In this conversation, they talk about [the role of marketing in presidential politics, more specifically how Voiovich has grouped president...
Today, Jason Voiovich (@JasonTVoiovich), author of Marketer in Chief, guests the Futurized podcast (@futurized2).
In this conversation, they talk about [the role of marketing in presidential politics, more specifically how Voiovich has grouped presidents by the major challenges they faced in office. We discuss James Polk, Herbert Hoover, and Barack Obama and touch on the Biden presidency.
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The host of this podcast, Trond Arne Undheim, Ph.D is the author of Health Tech: Rebooting Society's Software, Hardware and Mindset--published by Routledge in 2021, Future Tech: How to Capture Value from Disruptive industry Trends--published by Kogan Page in 2021, Pandemic Aftermath: how Coronavirus changes Global Society and Disruption Games: How to Thrive on Serial Failure (2020)--both published by Atmosphere Press in 2020, Leadership From Below: How the Internet Generation Redefines the Workplace by Lulu Press in 2008. For an overview, go to Trond's Books at
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Trond's takeaway
Despite the common thinking that presidents have a lot of power, presidents only get one shot at presenting their key message, after that, they are always compared to that standard. Also, their presidency tends to be shaped by outside events as much as by their own ideas. This complicates marketing. James Polk, Herbert Hoover, and Barack Obama were three presidents presiding over especially disruptive periods in history and each had a tech relevance. What if I have to imagine what future presidents' (2024, 2028) marketing pitch might be? I can imagine something about Ending COVID-19, Global leadership to defend democracy, but more likely one of them will be about Event X, some previously unknown that they will have to focus on).
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Futurized is created in association with Yegii, the insight network. Yegii lets clients create multidisciplinary dream teams consisting of a subject matter experts, academics, consultants, data scientists, and generalists as team leaders. Yegii's services include speeches, briefings, seminars, reports and ongoing monitoring. You can find Yegii at
The Futurized team consists of podcast host and sound technician Trond Arne Undheim, videographer Raul Edward D'Trewethan, and podcast marketer Nahin Israfil Hossain.
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Jason Voiovich
Author, Fractional CMO, Entrepreneur
In a career that spans more than 25 years, Jason Voiovich has launched hundreds of new products – everything from medical devices, to virtual healthcare systems, to non-dairy consumer cheese, to next-generation alternatives to the dreaded “cone of shame” for pets, to sex aides for cows (really!). He’s a graduate of both the University of Wisconsin and the University of Minnesota, and he has completed post-graduate studies at the MIT Sloan School of Management. His formal training has been invaluable, but he credits his true success to growing up in a family of artists, immigrants, and entrepreneurs. They taught him how to carefully observe the world, see patterns before others notice them, and use those insights to create new innovations. History is Jason’s favorite way to observe the world. He believes the people from the past have plenty to teach us about the challenges and opportunities we face today.
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