Oct. 16, 2024



In this episode of the Futurized podcast, host Trond Arne Undheim interviews David C. Edelman, co-author of Personalized, former CMO of Aetna and a visionary in AI-powered personalization and customer strategy.

They discuss personalization, the art of creating customer experiences at scale that get fine-tuned with each successive interaction.

Futurized goes beneath the trends to track the underlying forces of disruption in tech, policy, business models, social dynamics and the environment.

Trond Arne Undheim (@trondau) is a futurist, scholar, author, investor, and serial entrepreneur. He is currently the Research scholar in Global Systemic Risk, Innovation, and Policy at Stanford University. Futurized tackles the societal impact of deep tech such as AI, blockchain, IoT, nanotech, quantum, robotics, and synthetic biology, and tackle topics such as entrepreneurship, trends, or the future of work. On the show, Trond interviews smart people with a soul: founders, authors, executives, academics, and other thought leaders, or even the occasional celebrity.

Futurized is a bi-weekly show, preparing YOU to think about how to deal with the next decade's disruption, so you can succeed and thrive no matter what happens.

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Dr. Undheim is the author of seven books, Eco Tech: Investing in Regenerative Futures, Health Tech: Rebooting Society's Software, Hardware and Mindset, Future Tech: How to Capture Value from Disruptive industry Trends, Pandemic Aftermath: how Coronavirus changes Global Society, Disruption Games: How to Thrive on Serial Failure, and of Leadership From Below: How the Internet Generation Redefines the Workplace, and the co-author of Augmented Lean: A human-centric framework for managing frontline operations. For an overview, go to Trond's Books at Trondundheim.com/books

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David C. Edelman Profile Photo

David C. Edelman


A co-author of the book PERSONALIZED: Customer Strategy in the Age of AI (HBRP, 2024), David C. Edelman has a history of personalization work spanning three decades. Today, he is a Senior Lecturer at Harvard Business School, an executive advisor and board member to brands and technology providers, and an advisor to BCG. Forbes has repeatedly named him one of the Top 20 Most Influential Voices in Marketing, and Ad Age has named him a Top 20 Chief Marketing and Technology Officer. Together with Mark, David wrote the 2022 Harvard Business Review article (Customer Experience in the Age of AI).